7 Ways to Achieve Inner Peace!

Achieving inner peace, being able to manage the continuous highs and lows that life presents, being comfortable in one’s own skin and feeling happy and fulfilled are aspects that we all strive for. However, being able to achieve and maintain these attributes can be difficult, especially in the turbulent times we live in today.

Why is it that some individuals are able to achieve this coveted inner peace while others do not? Is this ability some predetermined skill that they are born with that people either have or do not have? Fortunately, the answer is no.

First and Fore-most, I find that you can tap into inner peace by having a relationship with God.  He is Peace and He says that His Son, Jesus, is the Prince of Peace.  There really is no peace without Him. But, even if you have a relationship with God, you will be faced with trying to keep your inner peace because there are so many things that we have to do to keep you in a state of inner peace.

Having a strong sense of inner peace, while easier for some than others, is an attribute that can be obtained with the right actions and mindset. In this article, we are going to discuss 7 Ways to Achieve inner peace by looking at what people who have inner peace are doing.

1. Avoided Comparison

People who have truly captured inner peace realize that comparing their success or current place in life to those around them is problematic. For one thing, we each have our own unique set of circumstances, abilities and opportunities.

Furthermore, the parts of other people’s lives that we see are usually the only parts they show the public. This is usually the highlights, as people aren’t posting all of their failures and embarrassments to their social media page.

2. Identified A Purpose

People who have inner peace have a strong sense of purpose in their lives. Regardless of what the specific purpose is, everyone needs to have a sense of passion fueling their daily actions. Otherwise, finding motivation to consistently give maximum effort and enjoying a sense of fulfillment is near impossible.

3. Learned to Accept What Is Outside of Their Control

When it comes to time and energy, we only have a finite amount of it. Furthermore, almost everything in our lives can be placed into two categories: things we can control and things we cannot.

People who have inner peace do not waste their energy worrying about things they cannot have any influence over. This leads to excess stress, worry and fatigue that doesn’t actually change the problem at hand. Identify what you can change and direct your resources towards those things.

4. Forgiven Past Mistakes

A big aspect of having inner peace is not beating yourself up over past mistakes. It is impossible to move forward in life with a peaceful, clear mind while constantly looking over your shoulder with guilt and shame. None of us are perfect and a big part of life involves making mistakes and learning from them. Inner peace is much easier to come by when you afford yourself the forgiveness that you almost certainly deserve.

5. Do Not Use Perfection as The Standard

Another common attribute you will find in people who possess inner peace is the realization that perfection is an unrealistic standard to strive for. Of course, we should all give our best effort in whatever it is we do, but to expect perfection is a recipe for disappointment. Instead, you can have peace by giving your own personal best and using that as the standard moving forward.

6. Are Not Scared of Alone Time

When people lack inner peace and have unresolved personal issues, being alone in a quiet place can be terrifying. While too much isolation is never a good thing, healthy doses of it are important for evaluating ourselves and getting in tune with our thoughts. Alone time is when we get to know ourselves best. Those with inner peace are not scared of these situations, as they are familiar and comfortable with the person in the mirror.

7. You Spend Time in Prayer and Meditation

Starting your day in prayer and meditation sets the tone for the day. Your focus is on God and what your assignment happens to be rather than what’s going on around you. Just knowing that God has a plan for you and your life and as long as you diligently seek Him and His purpose for your life you will find yourself in perfect peace. You can have and maintain His peace because you know that He is guiding your footsteps and He knows your end from your beginning.  When you have a relationship with Him you know that He has already equipped you for the tasks before you.  And not only that, but He will also never leave you nor forsake you.  He will walk with you every day and help you to carry out your every assignment that He has ordered in your life.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Get my eBook: “Be Anxious for Nothing: God is in Control’ Click the link: Be Anxious for Nothing: God is in Control – Integrity Stewardship

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