The Power of Gratitude

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.


The Law of Attraction says that you attract more of what you focus on.

When you’re grateful, you are intentionally, purposefully, and powerfully focused on good things. You’re focused on how thankful you are for the good things that have come into your life.

All your attention is given to the good things that are flowing into your life. You’re receiving good and giving thanks.

Because you attract more of what you focus on, gratefulness results in attracting more good things into your life.

Jen Sincero puts it this way:

The more consistently you stay in gratitude and focused on that which is good, the stronger your connection to Source Energy [God, the universe, etc.] is, and the more quickly and effortlessly you’ll be able to manifest that which is unseen into your reality.

Put another way, being grateful puts you into a particular state of being in which you attract more of the very things that you’re grateful for.

The simple reality is that like attracts like.

If you’re grateful, you’ll attract more things to be grateful for.

On the other hand, if you’re constantly:

  • Speaking negatively
  • Complaining
  • Envious of others
  • Moaning about all the things you don’t have

…you’ll attract even more of that into your life.

Which would you rather attract?

Do you want to attract good things? Do you want to position yourself to constantly receive goodness?

Then start building the habit of gratefulness today.

Now, if you are ready to tap into “The Power of Gratitude, I invite you to get my FREE Success Journal: “Success Mastery Rituals: Setting A Daily Foundation Journal”

Get it NOW at: Success Mastery Rituals: Setting a Daily Foundation Journal – Integrity Stewardship

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