There’s a lot of talk about intentional living. But what does it really mean? Intentional living is living with purpose and making decisions that support that purpose. It’s the opposite of what most people do. Most people are satisfied with the status quo and only take action to deal with...
Focus: Unleashes Your Superpower!
Focus is a superpower you can actually develop and put to good use. The ability to focus is also a great predictor of success. Unfortunately, developing this superpower can be a challenge because there are more interesting distractions than ever before. We are bombarded with countless distractions that are carefully...
Change Your Life: Create New Possibilities!
Life has infinite possibilities. Unfortunately, most of us believe that we don’t have many options available to us. It can be challenging to change the momentum of your life, but there are so many possibilities available to you at any moment. These possibilities won’t just happen on their own. It’s...
Setting Yourself Up for a Life Full of Success
Most of us experience these feelings from time to time, but instead of allowing jealousy to make you miserable and negative, you can create your own success. After all, you are the only person who can control how you define “success.” So instead of spending your time feeling jealous,...
Guide to Finding Your Purpose in Life
Everyone feels flat and unmotivated sometimes. No matter how energetic and focused you are, there will be some days when you’re just not feeling the vibe.
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Unlocking the Secrets to Loving Yourself
You’re probably familiar with self-help books and talk show hosts who tell you to love yourself, but you may be wondering how to go about that. While your relationship with yourself is the most important connection in your life, it’s easy to forget about nurturing it. However, self-love and compassion...
8 Strategies to Successfully Transform Your Life!
Perhaps you experienced a rough start in life. Maybe you had a reasonable idea of what you wanted to do, but life got complicated and threw you a few curve balls. For whatever reason, you now want to change things around so you can move toward the life you’ve...
Are You Capable of Change and Personal Transformation?
People seem to want changes in their lives. They either want a new career, be able to lose weight, or simply do something different they have never done before. They want to go through some personal transformation. But is it even possible for us to transform? Think about the number...
8 Tips to Building Self-Confidence
Do you feel like you could benefit from strengthening your confidence? While it’s not 100% imperative to have confidence, it certainly makes life a lot easier. You can still accomplish things without self-confidence, but would you actually try? If you don’t believe you’re going to be successful, you’ll likely throw in...
5 Keys to Achieving Your Highest Potential
Everyone has a different vision of success in life. Your potential can be defined as existing in possibility, it is realizing that you have the ability to achieve your full potential and become whatever you want to be; you simply need to do some self-reflection to decide what is most...