Achieve Great Success: 6 Steps to Break Through and Erase Your Limits
The Power of a Positive Attitude!
The power of a positive attitude cannot be underestimated. The pastor and author of the book The Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale wrote, “Any fact facing us is not as important as our attitude toward it, for that determines our success or failure. The way you think...
Prosperous Mind: 10 Strategies to Prepare You to Win!
Have you heard the saying, “Attitude is everything”? This adage reveals a great truth: the perspective you take in any situation ultimately determines the outcome. So if you’re hoping to bring prosperity into your life, it’s important to learn to think like a winner. How can you acquire the mindset...
Ultimate Guide to Building a Wealth and Prosperity Mindset
One sure way to boost your odds of becoming successful is to have a mindset geared toward wealth and prosperity. Why? Because the actions you take on a daily basis – right down to the amount of effort you put toward your goals – stem directly from your state...
Eliminating 7 Negative Financial Habits That Will Keep You Poor
Are you continually facing financial challenges? You might be keeping yourself poor with habits you didn’t even realize were contributing to your situation. Dropping the habits that are keeping you poor is an effective first step toward enhancing your security and financial future. Make the decision to drop these financial...
Abundance & Prosperity: 10 Strategies to Enjoy Your Life
Prosperity and abundance aren’t just for a select few. You can experience a level of abundance that you can’t even imagine at this point in your life. Your imagination and time are your only limitations. A positive, effective mindset is half the battle. The other half is taking responsibility...
Stay Financially Healthy: Creating a Debt Repayment Plan
When you don't take steps to repay debt, it can grow into a force to be reckoned with. The reason is that debt collectors often assess additional fees and interest on the debt that you owe, so unpaid debts can become monstrous in short periods of time. Creating a...
Save It and Invest It: Don’t Be a Compulsive Spender!
Are You a Compulsive Spender? An important part of living the good life is figuring out how to have what you want and still save money for your future. Do you find that, even though you want to save, you repeatedly over-spend instead? When do you cross the line from...
Getting on the Road to Transforming Your Money Mindset
When you think about money, what are the first thoughts that come to mind? Have you ever thought to yourself, “Money disappears fast,” “Money is the root of evil,” or even “Money is not that important”? If those thoughts have ever crossed your mind, you might have limiting beliefs around...
An Effective Action Plan For When You Feel Overwhelmed
You probably can’t find anyone over the age of 10 that hasn’t felt overwhelmed at some point. It takes more to overwhelm some people than others, but the feeling and the impact are the same. It can be very challenging to focus on solutions and take the necessary steps to...