Many people believe they cannot save any of their income because they have more expenses than income, but the way to changing that belief is determined by your mindset. If you believe that you will put money into your savings account after you pay your bills and expenses, you...
Choose Your Surroundings, Judiciously!
Carefully choosing your surroundings can make building a financial abundance simpler than it seems. Everything in your life is a result of your surroundings. Therefore, if you have friends who like to engage in negative behaviors, you will likely have negative consequences that take place in your life. On...
It’s Your Money: Stay in Control of It!
Do you know where your money is going? It’s pretty hard to control your money, if you don’t know what your money is or isn’t doing. Spend the time to find out. Schedule a recurring event in your calendar to review and analyze your finances. Find a comfortable place...
Determine How Much You Need to Manifest Wealth
When you are planning for financial success, it is important that you determine exactly how much finances you need to be bringing in. I do not mean a general ballpark figure, I mean an exact number. You can figure this number out by listing down all your expenses as...
Why Do You Need Affirmations for Financial Empowerment?
Oftentimes, individuals believe these good and beneficial self-talk memories are a false belief and don’t exist, but the subconscious mind recognizes where they’re located and will direct them frontwards for increased success in finances and life. These forms of affirmation pioneer fresh neural tracts in the mind, enhancing the ability...
Four Ways to Build a Healthy Financial Mindset
When trying to better your future and create a financial abundance for yourself, you must start with the basics. The following are some examples of the key basics you will need in order to meet your desired goals. 1. Examine yourself: When you are trying to build a financial abundance, it...
Mindset is Everything!
Whatever you want to achieve in the world! Whoever you want to become in this life! It can happen! But you have to know that it is all about your mindset. It is your mindset that will trigger your potential and the possibilities to get you where you want...
The Power of Change Within
Do you know who you really are and what you are really capable of? What would you say if I said that you can do anything? Most of you would come up with a lot of excuses…why you can’t do this or that. But, I have found that the...
7 Golden Rules for Prosperous Living
Prosperous living is not just about money. It is a prosperous state of mind regarding every area of your life. But, something wonderful happens when you get your financial area in order, you get to live life to the fullest. Money is important to your wellbeing because the truth...
What is Your Mentality: Wealthy or Poverty
We are what we think we are! If we think we are going to become wealthy, we can become wealthy. If we think poverty all the time, we will stay in poverty. If you want to be wealthy do what wealthy people do. Walk in wealth by acting...